lunes, 1 de diciembre de 2014

Experiment Homogeneous Mixtures
The experiment trying to mixtures which are homogeneous.The goal is to have substances convinen. The goal will be convinar people mix and distinguish them at a glance.
Milk Salt  Water Sugar  Bucal Enjuague
Sodium Bicarbonate
First the milk is mixed with salt
Water is then mixed with Sugar
The third is Vocal rinse sugar and baking soda
People COULD NOT distinguish mixtures
A 80% of people do not distinguish the materials I doubt 15% and 5% at acerto
The Girls are more likely than children 70% responded well
People Do not recognize the productos
The Cast doubt mixtures for People
The Colors make people confused

Well thank you very much for your Attention To end the experiment will pick three people at random to answer a person we answer pregunta.La Well we'll give you a chocolate.
¿Distinguste any material? What mentions three?
¿Distinguiste to the naked eye some material? ¿What?
¿Are the substances combined?
Here are the Charts


martes, 27 de mayo de 2014


1 right to: justice

2 right to: work

3 right to: education

4 right to: freedom

5 right to: identification

6 right to: dignity

lunes, 17 de febrero de 2014

                                              project 3


Age: July 2003             date:3               moment: holiday

              on that vacation to observe and touch a turtle


Age: November 2009      date:8             moment: school

                              but only lasted a day spa

Age:March 2009       date:8                 moment: school 

                  Travel by the very good school


Age: July 2011          date:10                 moment: holiday 

                 I'm glad I went with my aunt for a week

Age: July 201          date:12                 moment: holiday

                     and I went back to my parents


martes, 4 de febrero de 2014



Las cruzadas fueron una serie de campañas militares impulsadas por el papado y llevadas a cabo por gran parte de la Europa latina cristiana, principalmente, por la Francia de los Capetos y el Sacro Imperio Romano. Las cruzadas, con el objetivo específico inicial de restablecer el control cristiano sobre Tierra Santa, se libraron durante un período de casi doscientos años, entre 1095 y 1291. Más tarde, otras campañas en España y Europa oriental, de las que algunas no vieron su final hasta el siglo XV, recibieron la misma calificación.


Básicamente, parece que fueron motivadas por los intereses expansionistas de la nobleza feudal, el control del comercio con Asia y el afán hegemónico del papado sobre las monarquías y las iglesias de Oriente, aunque se declararan con principio y objeto de recuperar Tierra Santa para los peregrinos, de los cuales los turcos selyúcidas, una vez conquistada Jerusalén, abusaban sin piedad, a diferencia de los sarracenos, que trataban a los cristianos con más respeto. Además, elemperador bizantino Alejo I solicitó protección para loscristianos de oriente al papa Urbano II, quien en el concilio de Clermont de 1095 inició la predicación de la cruzada.

                                            El término

Las guerras que desde el siglo VIII mantuvieron los reinos cristianos del norte de la Península Ibérica contra el musulmán Califato de Córdoba y que la historiografía conoce como Reconquista, continuaron de forma igualmente discontinua desde el siglo XI contra los reinos de taifas, los almorávides y los almohades. En algunas ocasiones, el Papa les otorgó la calificación de «cruzada», como sucedió con labatalla de las Navas de Tolosa (1212) o con el episodio final de la Reconquista: la Guerra de Granada (1482-1492). En el norte de Europa se organizaron cruzadas contra los prusianos y lituanos. El exterminio de la herejía albigense se debió a una cruzada y, en el siglo XIII, los papas predicaron cruzadas contra Juan Sin Tierra y Federico II Hohenstaufen



The Crusades were a series of military campaigns waged by the papacy and held by much of Latin Christian Europe , mainly by the Capetian France and the Holy Roman Empire. The Crusades, the initial specific objective of restoring Christian control over the Holy Land were fought over a period of nearly two hundred years , between 1095 and 1291 . Later, other campaigns in Spain and Eastern Europe, some of which did not see its way up to the fifteenth century, received the same rating.                                                               


Basically , it seems that they were motivated by the expansionist interests of the feudal nobility , controlling conAsia trade and dominant desire of the papacy on the monarchies and churches of the East, though declared with principle and in order to recover the Holy Land for pilgrims of which the Seljuk Turks , once conquered Jerusalem, abused mercilessly , unlike the Saracens , who treated the Christians with more respect. Also, I asked Alejo elemperador Byzantine protection loscristianos east to Pope Urban II , who at the Council of Clermont in 1095 began preaching the crusade.                                                                        

                                        the term                                                       

The wars since the eighth century maintained the Christian kingdoms of the north of the Iberian Peninsula from the Muslim Caliphate of Córdoba and historiography known as Reconquista continued in an equally discontinuous from the XI century against the Taifa kingdoms , the Almoravids and the Almohads. Sometimes , the Pope granted them the status of 'crusade' , as happened with labatalla of Las Navas de Tolosa ( 1212 ) or the final episode of the Reconquista : Granada War ( 1482-1492 ) . In northern Europe were organized crusades against the Prussians and Lithuanians. The extermination of the Albigensian heresy was due to a cross , and in the thirteenth century, the popes preached crusades against John Lackland and Frederick II